Tag Archives: Closet

How to Maximize Your Closet Space

Rubbermaid HomeFree series closet system

It seems likes there’s a constant battle between you and your closet when it comes to space. You always have more clothes than there is room for them, and if you don’t organize your clothes properly, you could find yourself with an unorganized and cluttered closet. Whether it’s your apartment or your home, you don’t have to settle on not having enough space to put your stuff. By following these simple tips, your problems will soon be solved and you’ll see how easy it is to have an organized and de-cluttered closet.

Purge What You Don’t Need

The first step in the effort to de-clutter is getting rid of what you don’t need. While it might be difficult saying goodbye to those awesome jeans you haven’t fit into for the past two years, sometimes you need to just let go. Go through your clothes and accessories and see what you’ve worn in the past year. The items you haven’t touched, get rid of. If you haven’t worn them in a year, chances are you’re not going to in the future.

Rather than letting these items take up ample space in your closet, put them in a bag and sell or donate. If you sell, you could make a pretty penny off of your semi-worn clothes which can be used for something even better! Donating is another great option, and helps clothe someone who really needs it.

Measure The Dimensions

A lot of people don’t utilize the entire space their closet has to offer. Many standard closets have shelving units where you can hang items and also place clothing on top of the shelf. But what about the space underneath? By measuring the dimensions, you can determine how much space there is for additional shelving units to install. By storing accessories or shoes in baskets or on racks, you could really maximize the space you have without overcrowding and cluttering.

Evaluate Your Budget

In order to organize, you don’t need to be a millionaire. Chances are, you don’t need that much extra at all. Look and see how much space you have and how much money you need to put into the project. If you’re looking for a DIY approach, you could easily find a wire rack or wooden closet organizer on the inexpensive side that is easy to install and gives you so much more room. There are tons of great storage units to make your closet look better and keep money in your pocket for other projects.

Look To Other Bedroom Closets

Not everyone has the luxury of having additional bedrooms in their homes, but when you do, don’t hesitate to utilize them. Instead of stuffing the extra closet with half of your belongings, consider storing either your summer clothes or winter clothes, depending on the season. This way, you have the clothes you’d normally wear conveniently in your own closet, but know that the opposite seasons clothes are down the hall in the other closet. This frees up room in your own closet so you can actually separate clothes between the hangers and allows you to add that extra item or two you’ve been keeping your eye on at the store to buy.

By following these tips, you’ll be de-cluttered in no time. Just remember, there’s always a way to organize and make more space, regardless of your approach. If you have the courage and the strength to part with some of your unused belongings, you’re going to find that it’s so much easier to re-organize what you have left over.

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