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Educational Travel Destinations for The Family

When you think of a family getaway, do you think of fun, relaxation, family holiday parks,  a change of scenery, and mind food? The best parent and child vacations include a good balance of all four. Where will you find all of these essentials?

Colonial Williamsburg

Williamsburg, Virginia is a delightful family vacation destination. A week can pass quickly in this locale. It is full of all of those indispensable parts of an unforgettable road trip. Colonial Williamsburg is a time machine that takes you back 200 years to the beginning of our country.

The town has many reconstructed historical residences, shops, and restaurants. As you stroll down the street, you may meet Martha Washington, who will be your hostess at tea. At William and Mary College, Patrick Henry might tell you about the history of the college, or give you some insight into the politics of that time. You will find hands-on activities for all ages, and guides who can give you some of the local “gossip.” At the end of the day, you may see and hear the fife and drum corps marching and playing up and down the main street. After hours, you may take a ghost tour of the town. Stay on your guard! There are rumors that Blackbeard the Pirate roams the streets after dark!

Williamsburg is part of the historic triangle that includes Jamestown, the first successful colony in the New World, and Yorktown, where Lord Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington and French commander, Rochambeau. Each of these locations has spectacular seasonal events that may help you plan your trip. The best time of year to visit is from October through April – the summer heat may restrict some activities. Colonial Williamsburg has a variety of passes. Some of them include many other area attractions.

St. Augustine – The Oldest City in the United States

Another charming destination lies on the Palm Coast of Florida. St. Augustine’s history goes back to 1513 when it is probable that Ponce de Leon passed through the area on his search for Isle of Bimini – a location of fabled fame. He named the place “La Florida” and claimed the land for Spain. Later, Menendez, under orders from the king of Spain, sailed to the New World to establish a Spanish colony in the area. Menendez arrived in the arrived in the area on August 28th, St. Augustine’s feast day, and named it for the saint.

You will probably need a week to thoroughly explore this old city. Take a trolley tour of replica of the colonial Spanish town of St. Augustine, then walk through. Reconstructed homes, shops, restaurants are at your disposal, and a bit of drama along with interpreters complete the living history demonstrations. Hands on activities enliven the visit for the younger family members.

Visit the Castillo de San Marcos that was part of the early defense system around St. Augustine. It played an important part of the town’s history. You may walk through the castle that was built of a sturdy mixture of seashells and coral that was nearly impenetrable, stand in the prison, and climb up on top of the building.

The Lightner Museum and Ripley’s Believe It Or Not are two places you can go to get out of the heat of the day. Among other things, the Lightner Museum has shrunken heads, and Ripley’s has a two-headed calf. Explore the unusual and bizarre while you are there. In the evening, you can visit the St. Augustine Lighthouse…if you dare disturb the spirits there!

A beautiful stretch of beach offers surf and sun. Golfing, kayaking, and parasailing are available to round out your vacation.

Where do you want to go?

Traveling by itself is an education. You may see new things, and learn how other people lived or live. Take time to plan your educational family trip carefully to maximize your opportunities.

My name is Nisha I work as the editor for http://www.holiday365.co.uk. I have been representing the business for the last 2 years now.