Tag Archives: Relationships

Huge Dating Mistake

One Huge Dating Mistake Most People Make When Looking For “The One”

Have you ever wondered what the worst dating mistake you could ever make? You see the couples on the big screen who are madly in love with each other, walking hand in hand along the beach. They stop and stare at each other, cherishing the moments they have with each other. They get giddy every time they hear the other’s voice and reach ecstasy when they’re in one another’s presence. Everybody wants to have the kind of relationship these couples in the movies, commercials, televisions and romance novels have.

What Most People Go For In Relationships

Most often times, people pick the drama-filled bad girl/boy they love to hate. There are so many possibilities for all kinds of joy to be experienced while dating this person. Yet, people must not make the mortal sin of dating, which brings them unhappiness and dysfunctional relationships… in essence, idealistic expectations.

Now, it’s these idealistic expectations that cause you to see other people with blind eyes.  It’s these expectations that allow you to see the possibility in the people you are dating. This is great but you should be looking at the patterns of the people you are involved with to determine their character.

For instance: you’re currently dating James; he’s had three or four different jobs in the last years. He’s talking about quitting his current job to find something else that interests him. The reality about James is that he’s not likely to keep a steady job and may not be husband material; a person who will take care of your financially.

The same goes for your girlfriend Jade; she spends money on all kinds of designer clothes and lives beyond her means. She’s always asking to borrow money to pay her bills, as she has no money in her checking account. This is the kind of person who isn’t likely to be financially savvy and could cause you to become bankrupt down the road.

What You Should You Look For

Thus, you should always appraise the people are you are dating based on the present-day behaviors and attitudes. After all, what they’re doing now is likely to happen even after the vows. And, any capital you’re trying to attain with them would be wasted on the person who doesn’t deserve you. You squander both your emotional and spiritual self on somebody who isn’t worthy of your time. Worst of all, you miss your chance of being in a relationship that would have been more fulfilling and worthwhile.

The Single Worst Dating Mistake

So, what is the worst dating mistake you can make? It’s having unrealistic expectations on the person you are dating that keeps you from finding someone who can satisfy you in every way possible. You must know your own value and self-worth and find someone who is an equal to you; someone who has the qualities you are searching for. You want to be able to open your mind and your heart and find the person that’s compatible to you on an array of level. It’s only then that you can find “your true love”.