Category Archives: Relationships

8 Tips To Ensure That You Have Effective Communications In All Your Relationships

How You Can Have Healthy Relationships: 8 Tips To Ensure That You Have Effective Communications In All Your Relationships

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You encounter many people in life who can influence you and lead to cherished relationships. Communication is crucial to maintaining these relationships.

When there is poor communication between people, misunderstandings and disagreements tend to occur. These disagreements and misunderstandings can cause each person to get angry, which results in a gap and strains the relationship.  Whenever conflicts arise, broken relationships can be the end result. However, you can stop this by taking action now. Be sure you communicate and deal with the issue at that moment. How can you do this?

8 Ways To Maintain A Good Relationship Using Effective Communication

1 – Focus On The Issue, Not The Person Or Past

When you’re at odds with someone, it can be easy to drudge up the past. This is especially true when the issue is related to the current one. Of course, this is a very bad idea. It only leads to cloudy judgment attacks on the person you disagree with and exacerbates the problem. Rather, it’s best to deal with the current issue and leave the past alone. Search for a solution to understand the other person.

2 – Admit To Your Mistakes

One way to communicate effectively is to admit when you’re wrong or have made mistakes. Parties in conflict tend to have flaws and share them with each other. Recognize your mistakes and tell them. This simple act can diffuse problems and set an example for the next time an issue arises.

3 – Avoid “You”, Say “I” Statements

The last thing you need to do is tell someone something is all their fault. Instead, express how you feel using “I” statements. These kinds of statements don’t accuse and are not defensive. Thus, the other party will get a positive perspective and won’t feel confronted by everything.

4 – See Things Through Their Eyes

It’s normal to want to defend yourself if you feel like you’re being attacked. However, people have a desire to be heard and understood, placing their focus on how they look at things rather than what the other person sees. However, look at it from their perspective, and you’ll see that you’ll have an easier time explaining things and solving the problem sooner than later.

5 – Welcome Positive or Negative Feedback

The majority of folks think the other party is listening to them when, in fact, their mind is on what they’ll tell them now. If you want to have effective communication with the other person, you need to listen and share your ideas and feelings. Listen to what they have to say and answer them when appropriate.

6 – Show Understanding When Responding To Comments

It’s normal to want to retaliate when someone says something negative toward you. Yes, criticisms can be hard to take. However, these criticisms may be because of their emotions and should be taken into account when you respond. Show them that you understand what they’re feeling and saying. Use this information that he/she tells you to repair the issue.

7 – Seek Assistance From Other Folks

Sometimes, no matter what you do, it is not good enough to deal with the matter. This is the moment you need third-party help. The person should be someone who knows both of you and you both respect. This person should be able not to take sides and be fair in their assessment of both of you.

8 – Aim To Better The Relationship

Once a conflict has been settled, set a goal to move the relationship to a higher level. Believe it or not, problems within a relationship tend to be the reason why folks have stronger relationships later on.

You can’t master good communication skills overnight. It will take time and patience to do. You’ll live and learn to excel in your communication skills. You should always expect mistakes in a relationship, as no one is perfect. If you want a close relationship with someone, make sure you have opened your lines of communication and really talk to each other.