Category Archives: Home improvement

Top Reasons to Get an Open Plan Kitchen

When my girlfriend and I talk about our future house, usually we like to fantasize together about all the wonderful features it will have and how we will spend the evening sitting in front of a roaring fire while we listen to the sound of the rain on the glass roof. However sometimes these conversations aren’t quite so romantic and idyllic and we instead find ourselves arguing about the smaller decisions that we just can’t seem to agree on. For instance we have a hard time coming to an agreement on the merits (or lack thereof) of open plan kitchens. Here I fall firmly on the side of ‘pro open plan’, and I’m going to make the case to you here just as I have to her on countless occasions…

It’s Sociable

I love the open plan kitchen I have right now probably for one major reason – and that’s that it lets me feel like I’m in an episode of Friends. And there’s a reason that Friends and most other sitcoms feature open plan kitchens too – that being that it’s simply the most sociable option available allowing you to cook for friends while at the same time chatting to them while they relax on the couch. They’re also great for serving up and making coffee while you chat. They say every party ends up in the kitchen too, so why not ensure that this is a nice space to socialize where you can still see everyone else?

Cooking is Boring

Let’s be honest, unless you’re a professional cooking can get pretty dull. It’s fine if you’re hobby is baking and you’re making cupcakes, but when you’re just peeling potatoes it can be mind numbing. Having an open plan kitchen allows me to catch up on television or listen to music while I slice and dice and even while I wash up which makes me much more likely to do those things.

Kitchens Are Clautrophobic

Kitchens are also rather small and claustrophobic sometimes, especially when they get hot and full of some. When you have an open plan kitchen you don’t have this problem though because you don’t feel trapped in and because the smoke and smells are trapped in either. This way you get a lot less hot and bothered and you feel a lot cooler and more relaxed. This way you also get more natural light in as well from the windows in your living room or dining room. If this means you don’t end up having the light on in the kitchen as much too then this means you also get to save energy which is a nice added bonus.

It Makes Better Use of the Space

If you have walls where you don’t need them then this is actually quite a lot of unnecessary space taken up by brick. In case you hadn’t noticed, brick is pretty boring so why not open the space up and get more countertop out of the deal or more room in your living room?

So in conclusion: I’m right, my girlfriend is wrong, and you should consider an open plan kitchen next time you’re looking around for home improvements

The above guest post is written by Steve Jaw who is a home improvement and interior designer expert.

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