Tag Archives: cancer

Super Foods to Help Prevent Canine Cancer

As a dog owner, you take on the special responsibility of caring for and protecting your lovable furry companions. You are to provide for their needs whether it be shelter, exercise, and nutrition or medically your dog is dependent upon you. The relationship is not a one-way street – your dog offer you plenty in return, in the form of love, loyalty and more fun than anyone is can ask for! Providing your dog with the best nutrition possible can help arm your dog’s immune system to be the strongest it possibly can to help ward off sickness and disease, like cancer.

Oftentimes serious diseases, like cancer affect our cells and replicate as part of our normal system, so it is important that the immune system is on top of its A game so it can fight and kill off any cells tainted with cancer before it becomes a serious issue. Antioxidants are known to be free-radical fighters and help aid in fighting off disease that threatens our bodies. Antioxidants can also provide cancer-fighting properties to your furry friend as well – which is why the more you can focus on prevention, arming your pet on the front end the better the end result may be.

Here are some great super foods to help arm your dog’s immune system to give your pup the best fighting chance if he, or she, ever needs to go up against a serious disease, like cancer.


Understanding that antioxidants are the buzz for optimum health and cancer-fighting properties, it is important to spruce up your dog’s diet with this important substance. Foods that are rich in antioxidant support include: kale, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, raisins, sweet potatoes, raspberries, quinoa and carrots.


Since the 1980’s there have been studies to suggest that chlorophylls may help aid in the fight of cancer by protecting against carcinogens. This biomolecule is an important factor in photosynthesis, so it can be found in most dark green, leafy vegetables. Broccoli is a great vegetable that is full of chlorophylls, as is spinach, kale, Brussels sprouts, green beans and pretty much any other green vegetable.


Research from John Hopkins University School of Medicine has shown that the chemicals from plants, known as phytochemicals, may play a role in protecting cells from damage caused by food, the environment and mutations. These powerhouse phytochemicals are found in nearly all plant-based vegetables, but particularly in the cruciferous vegetables, with broccoli having the highest count of phytochemicals. Other vegetables that contain these defending chemicals include kale, cabbage and tomatoes.

While some may say dogs should not eat human food, some of the most beneficial results come from what Mother Nature created. Simply put, by eating foods that are considered healthy by nature, a variety of vegetables and fruits coupled with lean, healthy meats, you and your dog are arming your body with the protective agents that can help build your immune system while protecting the cells in the body from damage and disease.  It is advised to discuss any diet changes for your dog with your veterinarian before making a switch or adding a new food to your dog’s diet. Your veterinarian will know which foods are safe and most effective for your dog’s overall health and the two of you can work together to map out your dog’s preventative healthcare plan.

Shannon Davis is a vet tech working for dog collar expert, Dr. Susan Wright DMV. Susan also has a penchant for writing articles about the health of dogs.