Category Archives: Road

When Are Car Drivers Negligent in Operating Their Vehicles?

Vehicular accidents are caused by a variety of things. Some situations or elements cannot be controlled by drivers, such as poor highway maintenance, faulty traffic lights or signals, and other road defects. However, many road traffic accidents are also due to driver negligence. Here are a few examples.

Drunk Driving

It is widely known that drunk driving is a leading cause of road mishaps. The only way to avoid such types of accidents is for drivers to avoid driving after drinking alcoholic beverages or after having any substance that alters awareness. If a driver goes out and he knows that he is going to consume alcohol, then he must have a friend with him who’ll stay sober and drive him home. When a group of people goes out, they should also appoint a designated driver who’ll be responsible for operating their vehicle in case they all get intoxicated.

Individuals who force themselves to drive even when intoxicated can be charged with driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI). A person’s level of intoxication is tested using various tests, including a urine test, breath test, and blood test. Each state will have its own legal limit; and usually, this can be 0.08% up to 0.10%.

Reckless Driving

Those who operate vehicles recklessly or irresponsibly can be charged with reckless driving, which is a moving traffic violation. There are several ways that a driver can be reckless. A few examples are: changing lanes abruptly, ignoring traffic signs or regulations, swerving, going over the speed limit, and beating trains at crossings. These are considered as careless behavior.


Many drivers may not be aware of this, but being too curious while on the road can be dangerous. Car accidents have occurred because drivers slow down to see what’s going on ahead or behind them. Some also slow down just to sneak a quick look at what other drivers are doing inside their cars. These actions are considered as rubbernecking.

Distracted Driving

A lot of things can distract drivers. Today, one of the most controversial issues concern the operation of electronic gadgets inside vehicles. Drivers who text or make calls while driving can get too preoccupied with what they’re doing. They fail to follow traffic regulations properly, and they can also easily bump into other people’s cars as their full attention isn’t on the road. Apart from texting and talking on the phone, it is also prohibited to access the internet and use PDAs and other electronic gadgets while driving. As regards cell phone use, the ban is generally on hand-held types. In some states, it is alright to talk on a hands-free phone while driving.

Faulty Automobile

It is a car owner’s responsibility to make sure that his vehicle is functioning efficiently. He should have his car maintained to discover defects that can affect how his car runs on the road. Regular checks should be done on all automobile parts, including engines, brakes, and tires. If a person fails to keep his car in good condition or if an individual neglects to have car problems thoroughly checked, he endangers himself and other people.

Claire Duvall is a freelance writer who blogs for and other legal websites. She tackles issues concerning negligent operation, which is the crime of driving or operating an automobile that imperils public safety.